Prof. Dr. Muharrem YAZICI

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  • Prof. Dr. Muharrem YAZICI

Prof. Dr. Muharrem YAZICI

Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı

Doğum Tarihi

Mezun Olduğu Lise
Ondokuz Mayıs Lisesi Samsun (1981)

Tıp Fakültesi
Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (1987)

Uzmanlık Eğitimi
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.D (1992)
Spine Research Fellowship.University of Kansas Medical Center (1994-95)
Doçentlik: 1997 / Profesörlük: 2003

Yabancı Diller
İngilizce (Çok iyi)

Ortopedik Cerrahide İlgi Alanları

  • Çocuk ortopedisi
  • Omurga cerrahisi
  • Serebral palsi cerrahisi
  • Doğumsal şekil bozukluklarının düzeltilmesi
  • Kas ve sinir hastalıklarına ikincil ortopedik sorunlar

Akademik ve İdari Görevler

  • Profesör, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.D, Ankara (2003- ).
  • Doçent, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.D, Ankara (1997-2003).
  • Yardımcı Doçent, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.D, Ankara (1996-97).
  • Yardımcı Doçent, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.D, Samsun (1994-96).
  • Öğretim görevlisi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.D, Samsun (1993-94).
  • Öğretim görevlisi, İnönü Üniversitesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji A.D, Malatya (1992-93).

Ödül ve Burslar

  • Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği, Rıdvan Ege Bilimsel Araştırma Ödülü, (2001)
  • Scoliosis Research Society, Traveling Fellowship (2002)
  • European Pediatric Orthopedic Society, Traveling Fellowship (2003)
  • American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Orthopedic Learning Center International Scholarship (2005)
  • TUBİTAK Genç araştırmacı ödülü (2005)

Üye Olduğu Bilimsel Dernekler

Ulusal Dernekler

  1. Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği, (Üye, Sayman 2004-2006)
  2. Türk Omurga Cerrahisi Derneği (Üye)
  3. Türk Pediyatrik Ortopedi Derneği (Üye, Eski Başkan,2008-2010)
  4. Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Eğitim Konseyi (TOTEK)(Sınav Komitesi Başkanı 2001-2005)

Uluslararası Dernekler

  1. Scoliosis Research Society (Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi 2012-2014)
  2. European Pediatric Orthopedic Society (Önceki Başkan)
  3. European Board of Orthopedics and Traumatology (EBOT)
  4. Growing Spine Study Group (Yönetim Kurulu üyesi)
  5. International Pediatric Orthopaedics Think Tank (IPOTT, üye)
  6. Spine Society of Europe (üye)

Bilimsel Dergilerde Görevler

  1. Journal Turkish Spinal Surgery (Yayın kurulu üyesi)
  2. Acta Ortopedica et Traumatologica Turcica (Yardımcı Editör)
  3. Eklem Hastalıkları Dergisi(Joint Diseases and Related Surgery)- (Yayın kurulu üyesi)
  4. Ulusal Travma Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery)- (Yayın kurulu üyesi)
  5. Journal of Children’s Orthopedics (Yayın kurulu üyesi)
  6. Journal of Spinal Deformity (Yayın kurulu üyesi)
  7. Spine (Hakem)
  8. Child’s Nervous System (Hakem)
  9. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research (Hakem)
  10. Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics (Hakem)
  11. European Spine Journal (Hakem)
  12. Clinical Biomechanics (Hakem)

Bilimsel Çalışmalar

Dr. Yazıcı omurga cerrahisi konusunda ingilizce iki kitabın editörüdür. Uluslararası kitaplarda, altı kitap bölümü yazmıştır. Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji alanında hakemli dergilerde yayınlanmış uluslararası yüz adet makalesi, onüç adet davetli bilimsel makalesi vardır. Ulusal ve uluslararası kongre, sempozyum ve kurslarda yüzlerce konferans vermiştir.


  1. Growing Spine. Eds: Akbarnia, Yazici M, Thompson G. Springer Verlag, 2010. (Editör)
  2. Non-Idiopathic spine deformities in young children. Ed: Yazici M, Springer Verlag, 2011. (Editör)

Kitap Bölümleri

  1. Congenital scoliosis. Yazici M, Yilmaz G. In Growing Spine. Eds: BA Akbarnia, M Yazici, GH Thompson. Springer Verlag 201x
  2. Convex growth arrest. Yazici M, Dede O. In Growing Spine. Eds: BA Akbarnia, M Yazici, GH Thompson. Springer Verlag 201x
  3. Growing rod. Yazici M, Olgun ZD. In Non-Idiopathic spine deformities in young children. Ed: M Yazici. Springer Verlag 201x
  4. Instrumentation difficulties. Yazici M, Olgun ZD. In Non-Idiopathic spine deformities in young children. Ed: M Yazici. Springer Verlag 201x
  5. Pediatric sports injuries. Dede O, Yazici M. In Sports injuries. Eds: MN Doral, R. Tandogan. Springer Verlag 2011
  6. Tuberculosis. Olgun ZD, Yazici M, Spiegel DA, Awais SM, Bijukachhe B. In Global Orthopedics: Caring for musculoskeletal conditions and injuries in austere settings. Eds: Gosselin RA, Spiegel DA, Foltz M. Springer Verlag 2014

Uluslararası Yayınlar

  1. Gulman B, Kopuz C, Yazici M, Karaismailoglu TN. Morphological variants of the suprapatellar septum- An anatomical study in neonatal cadavers. Surg Radiol Anat, 16: 363-6, 1994.
  2. Gungor F, Yazici M, Egehan I, et al. Thallium-201 uptake in miyositis ossificans. – Potential pitfall in diagnosis. Clin Nucl Med, 20: 259-62, 1995.
  3. Yazici M, Kopuz C, Gulman B. Morphologic variants of acromion in neonatal cadavers. J Pediatr Orthop, 15: 644-47, 1995.
  4. Yazici M, Gulman B, Sen S, Tilki K. Sagittal contour restoration and canal clearance in burst fractures of the thoracolumbar junction( T12-L1).- The efficacy of timing of the surgery. J Orthop Traum, 9: 491-498, 1995.
  5. Yazici M, Iyigun OL, Gulman B, Rakunt C, Cizmeli O. Vertebral hemangioma presenting with intermittent claudication. Eur Spine J, 5: 131-33, 1996.
  6. Berk H, Yazici M, Atabey N, Ozdamar S, Pabuccuoglu U, Alici E. Detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis in formaline-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Pott’s disease. Spine, 21: 1991-95, 1996.
  7. Yazici M, Atilla B, Tepe S, Çalışır A. Spinal canal remodeling in burst fractures of the thoracolumbar spine: A computerized tomographic comparison between operative and nonoperative treatment. J Spinal Disord, 9: 343-48, 1996.
  8. Yazici M, Asher MA. Freeze-dried allograft for posterior fusion in neuromuscular spinal deformities. Spine 22: 1467-71, 1997.
  9. Atilla B, Yazici M, Kopuz C, Barış YS, Balçık C. The shape of the lumbar vertebral canal in newborns. Spine 22: 2469-2472, 1997.
  10. Yazici M, Sozubir S, Kilicoglu G, Bernay F, Incesu L, Ariturk E. Three-dimensional anatomy of the pelvis in bladder exstrophy: Description of the bone pathology using three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) and its clinical relevance. J Pediatr Orthop 18:132-5,1998.
  11. Yazici M, Alanay A, Aksoy MC, Acaroglu RE, Surat A. Traumatic L1-L2 dislocation without fracture in a 6-year-old girl: Incomplete neurologic deficit and total recovery. Spine 24: 1532-5, 1999.
  12. Yazici M, Kandemir U, Atilla B, Eryilmaz M. Rotational profile of lower extremities in bladder exstrophy patients with unapproximated pelvis: a clinical and radiological study in children older than 7 years old. J Pediatr Orthop 19: 531-5, 1999.
  13. Emir S, Akyuz C, Yazici M. Vertebra plana as a manifestation of Ewing sarcoma in a child. Med Pediatr Oncology 33; 594-5, 1999.
  14. Yazici M, Asher MA, Hardacker JW. The safety and efficacy of Isola-Galveston instrumentation and fusion in the treatment of neuromuscular spinal deformities. J Bone Joint Surg(Am) 82; 524-43, 2000.
  15. Alanay A, Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Surat A. Luque trolley and convex epiphysiodesis in the management of infantile and juvenile scoliosis. Spine 25; 2549-53, 2000. (Letter to editor)
  16. Alanay A, Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Oznur A, Surat A. Short segment pedicle instrumentation of thoracolumbar burst fractures. Does transpedicular grafting prevent early failure? Spine 26; 213-7, 2001.

  17. Yazici M, Acaroglu E, Alanay A, Deviren V, Cila A, Surat A. Measurement of vertebral rotation in standing versus supine position in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop 21;252-6, 2001. 18. Alanay A, Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Surat A. Thoracolumbar spine fractures.
Spine 26:840-1, 2001 (Letter to editor).
  18. Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Deviren V, Alanay A, Surat A. Does transverse apex coincide with regional or global apex levels in adolescent scoliosis? Spine 26:1143-6, 2001.
  19. Yazici M, Atilla B. Unilateral adolescent tibia vara and bilateral growth disturbances at the proximal femoral epiphysis in a monozygotic twin pairs. Turk J Pediatr 43:155-158, 2001.
  20. Alanay A, Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Aksoy C, Surat A. The effect of transpedicular intracorporal grafting in the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures on canal remodeling. Eur Spine J 10; 512-6, 2001.
  21. Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Alanay A, Surat A. The three-dimensional evolution of scoliotic curve during instrumentation without fusion in young children. J Pediatr Orthop 22:492-6, 2002.
  22. Aksoy MC, Ozkoc G, Alanay A, Yazici M, Ozdemir N, Surat A. Treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip before walking. Results of closed reduction and immobilization in hip spica cast. Turk J Pediatr 44:122-7, 2002.
  23. Yazici M, Aydingoz U, Aksoy MC, Akgun R. Bipositional MRI vs. arthrography for the evaluation of sphericity and containment in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Clinical Imaging 26:342, 2002.
  24. Alanay A, Hicazi A, Acaroğlu E, Yazici M, Aksoy C, Surat A, Cila A, Akalın N. Reliability and necessity of dynamic CT in diagnosis of atlanto-axial rotatory subluxation. J Pediatr Orthop 22:763-5, 2002.
  25. Senaran H, Yazici M, Karcaaltincaba M, Alanay A, Ariyurek M, Acaroglu E, Surat A. Lumbar pedicle morphology in immature spine. A spiral computed tomographic study. Spine 27:2472-6, 2002.
  26. Kandemir U, Yazici M, Alpaslan M, Surat A. Morphology of the knee in the adult patients with neglected developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH): Clinical and multiplanar radiological analysis of structural changes. J Bone Joint Surg 84A:2249-57, 2002.
  27. Hicazi A, Acaroglu E, Alanay A, Yazici M, Aksoy C, Surat A. Atlanto-axial rotatory subluxation (AARS) revisited. A computed tomoraphic analysis of acute torticollis in pediatric patients. Spine 24: 2271-5, 2002.
  28. Uzumcugil A, Cil A, Yazici M, Acaroglu E, Alanay A, Akalan N, Ozisik P, Surat A. The efficacy of convex hemiepiphysiodesis in patients with iatrogenic posterior element deficiency due to diastematomyelia excision. Spine 28:799-805, 2003.
  29. Alanay A, Cil A, Acaroglu E, Caglar O, Akgun R, Marangoz S, Yazici M, Surat A. Late spinal cord compression caused by pulled-out thoracic pedicle screws: a case report. Spine 28:E506-10, 2003.
  30. Kandemir U, Yazici M, Alanay A, Tokgozoglu M. Distraction osteogenesis for pelvic closure in bladder exstrophy. Clin Orthop 418:231-6, 2004.
  31. Cil A, Yazici M, Alanay A, Acaroglu RE, Uzumcugil A, Surat A. The course of sagittal plane abnormality in the patients with congenital scoliosis managed with convex growth arrest. Spine 29:547-552, 2004.
  32. Aksoy MC, Caglar O, Yazici M, Alpaslan AM. Comparison between braced and non-braced Legg-Calve-Perthes-disease patients: a radiological outcome study. J Pediatr Orthop B. 13:153-7, 2004.
  33. Cil A, Yazici M, Alanay A, Acaroglu RE, Surat A. Re: Ruf M, Harms J. Posterior hemivertebra resection with transpedicular instrumentation: early correction in children aged 1 to 6 years. Spine. 2003;28:2132-8. Spine. 2004 Jul 15;29(14):1593-4; author reply 1594-6. (Letter to editor).
  34. Uzumcugil A, Cil A, Yazici M, Acaroglu RE, Alanay A, Aksoy MC, Surat A. Convex growth arrest in the treatment of congenital spinal deformities: Revisited. J Pediatr Orthop 24: 658-66, 2004.
  35. Akgun R, Yazici M, Aksoy MC, Cil A, Alpaslan M, Tumer Y. The accuracy and reliability of direct observation in determination of the lateral pillar height in Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease. J Pediatr Orthop 24: 651-3, 2004.
  36. Alanay A, Yazici M, Acaroglu E, Turhan E, Cila A, Surat A. Course of non-surgical management of burst fractures with intact posterior ligamentous complex(PLC): An MRI study. Spine 29: 2425-31, 2004.
  37. Aksoy DY, Gurlek A, Cetinkaya Y, Oznur A, Yazici M, Ozgur F, Aydingoz U, Gedik O. Change in the Amputation Profile in Diabetic Foot in a Tertiary Reference Center: Efficacy of Team Working. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 112: 526-530, 2004.
  38. Cil A, Yazici M, Uzumcugil A, Kandemir U, Alanay A, Alanay Y, Acaroglu RE, Surat A. The evolution of sagittal segmental alignment of the spine during childhood. Spine 30: 93-100, 2005.
  39. Aksoy C, Cankus C, Alanay A, Yazici M, Caglar O, Alpaslan M. Radiological outcome of proximal femoral varus osteotomy for the treatment of lateral pillar group-C Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. J Pediatr Orthop B. 14:88-91, 2005.
  40. Aykut US, Yazici M, Kandemir U, Gedikoglu G, Aksoy MC, Cil A, Surat A. The effect of temporary hemiepiphyseal stapling on growth plate. A radiological and immunohistochemical study in rabbits. J Pediatr Orthop 25: 336-41, 2005.
  41. Cil A, Yazici M, Daglioglu K, Aydingoz U, Alanay A, Acaroglu E, Gulsen M, Surat A. The effect of pedicle screw placement with or without application of compression across the neurocentral cartilage on the morphology of the spinal canal and pedicle in immature pigs. Spine 30: 1287-93, 2005.
  42. Alanay A, Cil A, Berk H, Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Akcalı O, Genc Y., Surat A. The reliability and validity of adapted Turkish version of SRS-22 questionnaire. Spine 30: 2464-8, 2005.
  43. Cil A, Pekmezci M, Yazici M, Alanay A, Acaroglu RE, Deviren V, Surat A. The validity of Lenke’s Criteria for Defining Structural Proximal Thoracic Curves in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Spine 30: 2550-5 , 2005.
  44. Ozgur AF, Aksoy MC, Kandemir U, Karcaaltıncaba M, Aydingoz U, Yazici M, Surat A. Does Dega osteotomy increase acetabular volume in developmental dysplasia of the hip? J Pediatr Orthop B 15:83-6, 2006.
  45. Turhan E, Acaroglu E, Bozkurt G, Alanay A, Yazici M, Surat A. Unilateral enucleation affects the laterality but not the incidence of scoliosis in pinealectomized chicken. Spine 31:133-8, 2006.
  46. Yilmaz G, Aksoy MC, Alanay A, Yazici M, Alpaslan AM. Treatment of simple bone cysts with methylprednisolone acetate in children. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 39: 411-5,2005. 

  47. Devrim I, Kara A, Kanra G, Yazici M, Gucer S, Gumruk F, Cengiz AB, Secmeer G. Atypical presentation of spondylitis in a case with sickle cell disease. Turk J Pediatr 47:369-72, 2005.
  48. Pekmezci M, Dirican B, Yapıcı B, Yazici M, Alanay A, Atahan L. Spinal implants and radiation therapy: The effect of various configurations of titanium systems in the single vertebral metastasis model. J Bone Joint Surg A. 88A: 1093-100 , 2006.
  49. Caglar O, Aksoy MC, Yazici M, Surat A. Comparison of compression plate and flexible intramedullary nail fixation in pediatric femoral shaft fractures. J Pediatr Orthop B 15:210-4, 2006.
  50. Yazici M, Pekmezci M, Cil A, Alanay A, Acaroglu E, Oner FC. The effect of pedicle expansion on pedicle morphology and biomechanical stability in the immature porcine spine. Spine 31: E826-E829, 2006.
  51. Unal VS, Gulcek M, Soydan Z, Ucaner A, Yazici M. Assessment of quality of life in children after successful treatment of hip dysplasia as compared with normal controls. Saudi Med J. 27:1212-6, 2006.
  52. Ayvaz M, Alanay A, Yazici M, Acaroglu E, Akalan N, Aksoy C. Safety and efficacy of posterior instrumentation for patients with congenital scoliosis and spinal dysraphism. J Pediatr Orthop 27:380-386, 2007.
  53. Alpaslan AM, Aksoy MC, Yazici M. Interruption of the blood supply of femoral head: an experimental study on the pathogenesis of Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2007: 127:485-91.
  54. Eren A, Pekmezci M, Demirkiran G, Cakar M, Yazici M. Modified Salter Osteotomy: Description of a new technique which eliminated the use of pins for internal fixation. J Bone Joint Surg Br 89:1375-8, 2007.
  55. Alanay A, Pekmezci M, Karaeminogullari O, Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Cil A, Pijnenburg B, Genc Y, Oner FC. Radiographic measurement of the sagittal plane deformity in patients with osteoporotic spinal fractures evaluation of intrinsic error. Eur Spine J 16:2126-32, 2007.
  56. Akman A, Korkmaz A, Aksoy MC, Yazici M, Yurdakök M, Tekinalp G. Evaluation of risk factors in developmental dysplasia of the hip: Results of infantile hip ultrasonography. Turk J Pediatr 49:290-4, 2007.
  57. Akel I, Pekmezci M, Hayran M, Genc Y, Kocak O, Derman O, Erdogan I, Yazici M. Evaluation of shoulder balance in the normal adolescent population and its correlation with radiological parameters. Eur Spine J 2008 Mar;17(3):348-54.
  58. Aksoy MC, Caglar O, Ayvaz M, Yazici M, Alpaslan AM. Treatment of complicated pediatric femoral fractures with titanium elastic nail. J Pediatr Orthop B 17:7-10, 2008.
  59. Yalcin N, Bar-On E, Yazici M. Impingement of Spinal Cord by Dislocated Rib in Dystrophic Scoliosis Secondary to Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Radiological Signs and Management Strategies. Spine 33: E881-6, 2008.
  60. Yang JS, Sponseller PD, Yazici M, Johnston CE. Vascular complications during anterior spine surgery in three patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Spine, 34: E153-157, 2009.
  61. Pekmezci M, Yilmaz G, Daglioglu K, Gulsen M, Yazici M. The effect of anterior spinal fusion on spinal canal development in an immature porcine model. Spine, 34: E501-E506, 2009.
  62. Acaroglu E, Akel I, Alanay A, Yazici M, Marcucio R. Comparison of the melatonin and calmodulin in paravertebral muscle and platelets of patients with or without adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine, 34: E659-63, 2009.
  63. Sponseller PD, Yang JS, Thompson GH, McCarthy R, Emans J, Skaggs DL, Asher MA, Yazici M, Poe-Kochert C, Kostial P, Akbarnia BA. Pelvic fixation of growing rods: Comparison of construct. Spine, 34: 1706-1710, 2009.
  64. Ayvaz M, Akalan N, Yazici M, Alanay A, Acaroglu E. Is it necessary to operate all split cord malformations before long segment corrective surgery in patients with congenital spinal deformities? Spine, 34: 2413-8, 2009.
  65. Yilmaz G, Demirkiran G, Ozkan C, Daglioglu K, Pekmezci M, Alanay A, Yazici M. The effect of dilation of pedicles on pull-out strength of the screws in immature pig model: In vivo study. Spine, 34: 2378-83, 2009.
  66. Yilmaz G, Huri G, Demirkiran G, Daglioglu K, Ozkan C, Alanay A, Acaroglu E, Yazici M. The Effect of Posterior Distraction on Vertebral Growth in Immature Pigs. An Experimental Simulation of Growing Rod Technique. Spine, 35: 730-3, 2010.
  67. Yang JS, McElroy MJ, Akbarnia BA, Salari P, Oliveira D, Thompson GH, Emans JB, Yazici M, Skaggs DL, Shah SA, Kostial PN, Sponseller PD. Growing rods for spinal deformity: characterizing consensus and variation in current use. J Pediatr Orthop, 30: 264-70, 2010.
  68. Elsebaie HB, Yazici M, Thompson GH, Emans JB, Marks DS, Skaggs DL, Crawford AH, Karlin LI, McCarthy RE, Poe-Kochert C, Kostial P, Akbarnia BA. Safety and efficacy of growing rod technique for pediatric congenital spinal deformities. JPO 31: 1-5, 2011.
  69. Sankar WN, Skaggs DL, Yazici M, Johnston CE 2nd, Shah SA, Javidan P, Kadakia RV, Day TF, Akbarnia BA. Lengthening of dual growing rods and the law of diminishing returns. Spine 36:806-9, 2011.
  70. Yang JS, Sponseller PD, Thompson GH, Akbarnia BA, Emans JB, Yazici M, Skaggs DL, Shah SA, Salari P, Poe-Kochert C; Growing Spine Study Group. Growing rod fractures: risk factors and opportunities for prevention. Spine 36:1639-44, 2011.
  71. Yazici M, Akel I, Demirkiran HG. Lumbopelvic fusion with a new fixation technique in lumbosacral agenesis: three cases. J Child Orthop. 5:55-61, 2011.
  72. Yalcin N, Dede O, Alanay A, Yazici M. Surgical management of post-SCIWORA spinal deformities in children. J Child Orthop 5:27-33, 2011.
  73. Yilgor C, Demirkiran G, Ayvaz M, Yazici M. Is expansion thoracoplasty a safe procedure for mobility and growth potential of the spine? Spontaneous fusion after multiple chest distractions in young children. J Pediatr Orthop 32:483-9, 2012.
  74. Olgun ZD, Demirkiran G, Ayvaz M, Karadeniz E, Yazici M. The effect of pedicle screw insertion at a young age on pedicle and canal development. Spine 37:1778-84, 2012.
  75. Olgun ZD, Ahmadiadli H, Alanay A, Yazici M. Vertebral body growth during growing rod instrumentation: growth preservation or stimulation? J Pediatr Orthop 32:184-9, 2012.
  76. Schroerlucke SR, Akbarnia BA, Pawelek JB, Salari P, Mundis GM Jr, Yazici M, Emans JB, Sponseller PD; Growing Spine Study Group. How does thoracic kyphosis affect patient outcomes in growing rod surgery? Spine 37:1303-9, 2012.
  77. Alanay A, Dede O, Yazici M. Convex instrumented hemiepiphysiodesis with concave distraction: a preliminary report. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 470:1144-5 2012
  78. Demirkıran HG, Akel I, Yılmaz G, Ayvaz M, Alanay A, Yazici M. Long-segment posterior instrumentation and fusion with freeze-dried allograft in congenital scoliosis. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 46:275-80, 2012.
  79. Oda JE, Shah SA, Mackenzie WG, Akbarnia BA, Yazici M. Concurrent tethered cord release and growing-rod implantation-is it safe? Global Spine J 2:207-12, 2012.
  80. Akbarnia BA, Cheung K, Noordeen H, Elsebaie H, Yazici M, Dannawi Z, Kabirian N. Next generation of growth-sparing technique: Preliminary clinical results of a Magnetically Controlled Growing Rod (MCGR) in 14 patients with early onset scoliosis. Spine 38: 665-70, 2013.
  81. Boachie-Adjei O, Papadopoulos EC, Pellisé F, Cunningham ME, Perez-Grueso FS, Gupta M, Lonner B, Paonessa K, King A, Sacramento C, Kim HJ, Mendelow M, Yazici M. Late treatment of tuberculosis-associated kyphosis: literature review and experience from a SRS-GOP site. Eur Spine J. Suppl 4: 641-6, 2013.
  82. Corona J, Miller DJ, Downs J, Akbarnia BA, Betz RR, Blakemore LC, Campbell RM, Flynn JM, Johnston CE, McCarthy RE, Roye DP, Skaggs DL, Smith JT, Snyder BD, Sponseller PD, Sturm PF, Thompson GH, Yazici M, Vitale MG. Evaluating the extent of clinical uncertainty among treatment options for patients with early-onset scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg 95A:671-1 2013.
  83. Papadopoulos EC, Boachie-Adjei O, Hess WF, Sanchez Perez-Grueso FJ, Pellisé F, Gupta M, Lonner B, Paonessa K, Faloon M, Cunningham ME, Kim HJ, Mendelow M, Sacramento C, Yazici M. Early outcomes and complications of posterior vertebral column resection. Spine J Apr 25. S1529-9430(13)00318-5. 2013
  84. McElroy MJ, Sponseller PD, Fuhrhop SK, Russell CJ, Newton PO, Marks MC, Sanders JO, Yazici M, Pawelek JB, Akbarnia BA; the Harms Study Group; and the Growing Spine Study Group. Clinically Significant Differences Exist between Curves in Operative Idiopathic Early-Onset Scoliosis and Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Spine 38:1368-74, 2013.
  85. Yilgor C, Demirkiran G, Aritan S, Kosemehmetoglu K, Daglioglu K, Yilmaz Isikhan S, Yazici M. Fusionless instrumentation in growing spine and adjacent segment problems an experimental study in immature pigs. Spine 38: 2156-64, 2013.
  86. Ayvaz, M, Olgun ZD, Demirkiran HG, Alanay A, Yazici M. Posterior all-pedicle screw instrumentation combined with multiple chevron and concave rib osteotomies in the treatment of adolescent congenital kyphoscoliosis. Spine J 14:11-9, 2014.
  87. Demirkiran G, Yilgor C, Ayvaz M, Kosemehmetoglu K, Daglioglu K, Yazici M. Effects of the fusionless instrumentation on the discs and facet joints of the unfused segments: A pig model. J Pediatr Orthop 34:185-93, 2014.
  88. Demirkiran G, Alanay A, Acaroglu E, Yazici M Safety and efficacy of instrumented convex growth arrest in treatment of congenital scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop 34: 275-8, 2014.
  89. Kamaci S, Demirkiran G, Ismayilov V, Olgun ZD, Yazici M. The effect of dual growing rod instrumentation on the apical vertebral rotation in early-onset Idiopathic Scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop 34: 607-12, 2014.
  90. Williams BA, Matsumoto H, McCalla DJ, Akbarnia BA, Blakemore LC, BetzRR, Flynn JM, Johnston CE, McCarthy RE, Roye DP, Skaggs DL, Smith
  91. JT, Snyder BD, Sponseller PD, Sturm PF, Thompson GH, Yazici M, Vitale MG. Development and initial validation of the classification of early-onset scoliosis (C-EOS). J Bone Joint Surg 96A: 1359-67, 2014.
  92. Akbarnia BA, Yaszay B, Yazici M, Kabirian N, Blakemore LC, Strauss KR, Glaser D, Complex Spine Study Group. Biomechanical evaluation of 4 different foundation constructs commonly used in growing spine surgery: Are rib anchors comparable to spine anchors? Spine Deformity 2: 437-43, 2014.
  93. Yamaguchi KT, Skaggs DL, Mansour S, Myung KS, Yazici M, Johnston CE, Thompson GT, Sponseller PD, Akbarnia BA, Vitale MG, MD, GSSG. Are rib versus spine anchors protective against breakage of growing rods? Spine Deformity 2: 489-92, 2014.
  94. Akbarnia BA, Pawelek JB, Cheung KMC, Demirkiran G, Elsebaie H, Emans JB, Johnston CE, Mundis GM, Noordeen H, Skaggs DL, Sponseller PD, Thompson GT, Yaszay B, Yazici M, GSSG. Traditional Growing Rods Versus Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods for the Surgical Treatment of Early-Onset Scoliosis: A Case-Matched 2-Year Study. Spine Deformity 2: 493-7, 2014.
  95. Dede O, Demirkiran G, Yazici M. Self-growing instrumentation with gliding connectors for collapsing spine deformities in children: a novel technique. J Pediatr Orthop (Accepted).
  96. Demirkiran G, Bekmez S, Celilov R, Ayvaz M, Dede O, Yazici M. Serial derotational casting in congenital scoliosis as a time-buying strategy. J Pediatr Orthop 2014(Epub ahead of print]
  97. Demirkiran HG, Kinikli GI, Olgun ZD, Kamaci S, Yavuz Y, Vitale MG, Yazici M. Reliability and validity of the adapted Turkish version of the Early Onset Scoliosis-24 item questionnaire (EOSQ-24). J Pediatr Orthop (Accepted)
  98. Demirkiran G, Dede O, Ayvaz M, Bas CE, Alanay A, Yazici M. Convex instrumented hemiepiphysiodesis with concave distraction: a treatment option for long sweeping congenital curves. J Pediatr Orthop (Accepted)
  99. Kamaci S, Yucekul A, Demirkiran G, Berktas M, Yazici, M. The evolution of sagittal spinal alignment in sitting position during childhood. Spine (Accepted)
  100. Bas CE, Preminger J, Olgun ZD, Demirkiran G, Sponseller PD, Yazici, M. Safety and efficacy of apical resection following growth friendly instrumentation in myelomeningocele patients with gibbus: Growing rod vs. Luque-Trolley. J Pediatr Orthop (Accepted)

Davetli Makaleler

  1. Pekmezci M, Yazici M. Salter osteotomy: an overview. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 41 Suppl 1:37-46, 2007.
  2. Sponseller PD, Yazici M, Demetracopoulos C, Emans JB. Evidence basis for management of spine and chest wall deformities in children. Spine 32:S81-90, 2007.
  3. Akel I, Yazici M. Growth modulation in the management of growing spine deformities. J Child Orthop 3: 1-9, 2009.
  4. Yazici M, Senaran H. Cerebral palsy and spine deformities. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 43:149-155, 2009.
  5. Yazici M, Emans J. Fusionless instrumentation systems for congenital scoliosis: Expandable spinal rods and VEPTR in the management of congenital spine deformities in the growing child. Spine, 34: 1800–1807, 2009.
  6. Akel I, Yazici M. Use of instrumentation in the treatment of congenital scoliosis and kyphosis. Seminars in Spine Surgery, 22: 126-31, 2010.
  7. Akbarnia, BA, Salari, P, El-Sebaie, H, Yazici, M. Growing Spine Devices in the Treatment of Congenital Spinal Deformity (Growing Rods). Seminars in Spine Surgery, 22: 121-5, 2010.
  8. Akbarnia BA, Campbell RM, Dimeglio A, Flynn JM, Redding GJ, Sponseller PD, Vitale MG, Yazici M. Fusionless procedures for the management of early-onset spine deformities in 2011: what do we know? J Child Orthop. 5:159-72, 2011
  9. Yazici M, Olgun ZD. Growing rod concepts: state of the art. Eur Spine J. Suppl 2: S118-30, 2013. 10. Dede O, Yazici M. Pediatric spinal injuries: the rationale behind nonfusion management. Curr Orthop Prac 24: 433-40, 2013
  10. Olgun ZD, Yazici M. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Posterior instrumentation and fusion. J Child Orthop 7: 69-76, 2013.
  11. Dede O, Demirkiran G, Yazici M. 2014 Update on the ‘growing spine surgery’ for young children with scoliosis. Curr Opin Pediatr. 26: 57-63, 2014.
  12. Dede O, Yazici M. Revision surgery for pediatric spine deformity. Corrective osteotomies. J Pediatr Orthop 34: S6-10, 2014.